
BETT Education Show in London - Apex Computing

Written by Daniel Shone | Dec 30, 2012 12:00:00 AM
On Friday 1st Feb a couple of the Apex team members attended the BETT Learning & Technology show in London.

Bett is a global community where individuals discover technology for education and lifelong learning. Bett embraces innovative solutions that inspire in order to shape and improve the way people learn from classroom to boardroom.

In times where modern learning environments are becoming more mobile and ‘learning anywhere’ is more of a possibility, Bett gives visitors the opportunity to explore how technology can power learning, raise attainment and increase efficiency.

We found the show both overwhelming and inspiring, with over 650 exhibitors demonstrating new technology based learning resources. Students are growing ever more tech savvy, they have been born into the digital age and are entering school with heightened digital insight and expectations.

Technology has become a great part of the curriculum itself and a new method of delivery for lessons in the classroom.
Tech in a classroom has evolved from being a single bulky computer in the corner of the room to individual pupils interacting on internet connected tablets or laptops.

The use of interactive whiteboards have evolved from chalk boards only used by teachers, to numerous pupils engaging in interactive learning activities within the classroom.

This means that with technology growing across the school, the need for effective technology management has grown in importance as well.  Keeping these new assets up to date is becoming progressively more important, schools are now relying on these new technologies as learning continues to increase.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ for IT in education, but there are ways in which processes for support and IT management can be simplified. We tried out a new process for automating system admin tasks across a number of devices throughout the school. We’ll be testing this out on one of the schools we currently support in Manchester and if successful we’ll be looking further into making this available in the schools we support.

This will allow the support team at Apex Computing Services to focus on the bigger projects that will drive value to the school and, ultimately, improve the education experience for its pupils.